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Hannah V Warren

Blurred image of the arch used as background for stylistic purposes.
PhD Candidate
Graduate Teaching Assistant

Hannah V Warren is a doctoral candidate in the English Department at UGA. Her research and writing include aesthetics, monstrosity, poetry, and speculative literature. She received a Fulbright to support her dissertation work in Germany from fall 2022 through summer 2023. 

Her debut poetry collection, Slaughterhouse for Old Wives' Tales, is forthcoming from Sundress Publications in January 2024. She is the author of two poetry chapbooks: Southern Gothic Corpse Machine from Carrion Bloom Books (2022) and [re]construction of the necromancer from Sundress Publications (2020). Her works have appeared in Gulf Coast, Passages North, The Pinch, Strange Horizons, THRUSH, and Fairy Tale Review, among others.

Her current creative projects include a poetry manuscript that explores the relationships among abjection, gender norms, and the Southern Gothic, along with a speculative novel that considers ritual and apocalypse from a monstrous perspective.

Hannah has taught a range of courses, including first-year composition, literature and film, and creative writing. She keeps accessibility at the center of her classroom model.

  • MFA in Poetry: University of Kansas
  • BA in English: Mississippi State University
Selected Publications:

Poetry Books

Slaughterhouse for Old Wives’ Tales. Sundress Publications. January 2024.


Poetry Chapbooks

Southern Gothic Corpse Machine. Carrion Bloom Books. January 2022.

[re]construction of the necromancer. Sundress Publications. January 2020. 


Refereed Critical Articles

“Creating Possible Alternatives: Gender & Identity in Post/Apocalyptic Television.” Science Fiction Film and Television. Fall 2023.

“The Sin of Reproducing: Intersectional Marginalization in N.K. Jemisin’s The Fifth Season.” Extrapolation 63.3. December 2022.


Refereed Book Chapters

“Monster Theory in the Composition Classroom.” Creatures in the Classroom: Teaching Environmental Creature Features, edited by Bridgitte Barclay and Christy Tidwell. 

Events featuring Zachary Anderson, Sarah Shermyen, Hannah V Warren
Athentic Brewing, 108 Park Ave.

Join us for a night of readings to celebrate the graduating PhD students in UGA’s Creative Writing Program. Four readers will share original works of poetry and prose. This event is free and open to the public.


Articles Featuring Hannah V Warren

Creative Writing Program Graduate Student Hannah V Warren's full-length debut poetry collection, Slaughterhouse for Old Wives’ Tales, with Sundress Publications is “a visceral collection that…

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