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Creative Writing News

Congratulations to Rahad Abir, an incoming PhD student in the Creative Writing Program on being named the Georgia Author of the Year, in the Literary Fiction and Short Story Collection category for his book Bengal Hound.  Rahad Abir is a writer from Bangladesh. He has an MFA in fiction from Boston University. He is the recipient of the Charles Pick Fellowship at the University of East Anglia and the Marguerite McGlinn Prize for Fiction. His…
Scribner has signed Nneoma Ike-Njoku’s The Water House, a “thrilling twist” on the gothic novel. Upon acquiring the UK and Commonwealth rights, publishing director at Scribner Sophie Missing shared:  “The Water House reminded me of a mid-century novel – short, stripped back, stylish – but with a voice and atmosphere that feels entirely fresh and original. I love how it nods to classics like Rebecca, Jane Eyre and The Color Purple,…
Join the Creative Writing Program in congratulating Sayantika Mandal! Her poem Load-Shedding was published in the Spring 2024 (Issue 28) of Glassworks Magazine, a publication of ​Rowan University's Master of Arts in Writing. Check it out on page 26!  Sayantika Mandal completed her MFA in Writing from the University of San Francisco where she was awarded the Jan Zivic Fellowship. Her writing has appeared or is forthcoming in Ecobloomspaces…
Creative Writing Program Graduate Student Hannah V Warren's full-length debut poetry collection, Slaughterhouse for Old Wives’ Tales, with Sundress Publications is “a visceral collection that is not only read but also felt in the body.” It is available on Tuesday, January 30th whereever you buy books! “These fertile poems trace the lineage of hunger from mother to daughter to sister. Beginning with an excavation of dinosaurs, Warren’s writing…
Creative Writing Program 2019 doctoral graduate Jake Syersak, a poet and translator, has been awarded a translation grant from the National Endowment for the Arts, to support his translation from the French of Mohammed Khaïr-Eddine's The Unearther. This will be Jake's fifth translation of the Moroccan writer's work.  Jake Syersak is a poet, translator, and editor. His works of poetry include Mantic Compost (Trembling Pillow Press 2022) and…

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