Faculty in Literatures of the Americas
This area of study reflects the department’s strengths in many literary traditions of the Americas. Graduate students concentrating in this area will have opportunities to examine the Americas in relation to differing concepts of history, citizenship, nation, region and genre. Long a standout graduate program in Southern literature, we currently house forward-thinking faculty who conceive of the South in broad terms, encompassing an array of genres, media, and ethnic traditions, as well as a new geographic sense of the region that includes the Caribbean. Beyond these expanded Southern borders, our offerings are deep and wide-ranging. We maintain graduate course offerings in colonial and 19th- century US literature and in US literary movements of the 20th- and 21st- centuries. We boast, as well, strong course offerings and scholarly opportunities in African-American and American Indian literature. Our range of strengths benefits from the department’s connections to the Latin American and Caribbean Studies Institute, the Institute for African American Studies, and the Institute of Native American Studies.
Course work in this area may include, but is not limited to, the following courses:
ENGL 6580 Topics in Multicultural Literature
ENGL(AFAM)(LING) 6040 Language Use In the African American Community
ENGL 6685 Post-Colonial Literature
ENGL 6695 Topics in Post-Colonial Literature
ENGL 6700 Imperfect Unions: American Writing to 1820
ENGL 6710 American Writing 1820-1865
ENGL 6720 American Writing 1865-1918
ENGL 6730 American Fiction 1918-1960
ENGL 6740 American Poetry 1918-1960
ENGL 6750 American Writing after 1960
ENGL (AFAM) 6770 Topics in African American Literature
ENGL 6780 Southern Writing
ENGL 6790 Topics in American Literature
ENGL 8600 Seminar in Modern Literature
ENGL 8700 Seminar in American Literature
ENGL 8710 Major American Writers
ENGL (AFAM) 8720 Seminar in African American Literature
ENGL 8730 Seminar in Multicultural American Literature
ENGL 8750 Seminar in Southern Literature
Exam areas could include, but are not limited to:
American to 1900, 20th-Century British, 20th-Century American, African American, Southern, Contemporary, Literary Criticism and Theory, Rhetoric and Composition, and Literary Criticism and Theory.
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