Dr. Eberle (Associate Professor; Ph.D., University of California, Los Angeles,1994) specializes in Romantic Literature, Nineteenth-Century Studies, and Feminist Literary Criticism. Her first book, Chastity and Transgression in Women's Writing, 1792-1897: Interrupting the Harlot's Progress (Palgrave Publishers, 2002), explores representations of sexual transgression and feminist activism in a range of nineteenth-century texts written by women. She has also published essays on Amelia Opie (Studies in the Novel 1994) and British Abolitionist poetry (Romanticism and Women Poets: Opening the Doors of Reception 1999). Dr. Eberle has edited Women and Romanticism, 1790-1830 (Routledge, 2006), a five volume collection of primary materials inclusive of pedagogical tracts, poetry, periodical essays, and novels.
Currently writing a cultural biography of Amelia Opie (1769-1853), a poet, novelist and abolitionist, Dr. Eberle is also developing an online archive of Opie's correspondence.