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Alumni Spotlight: Jessica Rayburn

Jessica RayburnJessica Rayburn graduated from UGA’s Franklin College in the spring of 2007. After spending most of her “adult” life in Colorado, she accepted the opportunity to “build out the revenue enablement function at a scale-up proptech company based in London.” 

What inspired you to become an English major? 

Ever since I learned to read, I’ve had a book in my hands. I started my journey at UGA with the intention of going to medical school but after half a semester of chemistry, I realized I don’t really like the intricacies of science…and my test scores showed it. After my midterm exam, I went straight to my student counselor’s office and changed my focus to the subject I loved the most, English. 

How did the work you did as an English major prepare you for your career/life? 

I get this question a lot, how did an English major end up in sales leadership? I could go on and on about how my time at Franklin College enhanced my abilities to think in the abstract and build a strong case but there’s one thing that always stands out: I know how to tell a story. Successful salespeople are all master storytellers. Of course, there are a number of important skills and techniques to master but ultimately, success hinges on that capability. The key lies in seamlessly linking a challenge to its solution and visualizing yourself in a prospect's daily routine. Can you then paint a picture where your buyers clearly envision themselves attaining their business objectives and goals? When you connect those dots for your buyers, you’ll close the deal. 

What’s one of your favorite books? 

Child of God by Cormac McCarthy 

What is the most recent book/short story/poetry you have read? 

I picked up Ivanhoe on a trip to Scotland and just finished it up.

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