Support the English Department
The Department of English at the University of Georgia is a rich, rewarding place to study and teach, thanks to the gifts of alumni and friends. Our generous donors sponsor departmental awards for teachers and students, fund visiting speakers, and support student and faculty research. With your help, we can expand our intellectual vibrancy and make the University of Georgia the South's literary center. Honor those who helped shape your love of literature by making a gift today!
To donate by check, please mail to: UGA Foundation ATTN: Gift Accounting, One Press Place, Athens, GA 30602 and specify which fund. To donate to the department by credit card please follow the links below.
If you'd like to set up a recurring gift, download the linked authorization form. This option allows donors to make regular payments through EFT from their banking institutions or by way of credit card charges. If you have any questions, please contact Alison Godley, Assistant Director of Annual Giving at 706-542-3581 or
English Department Fund
The English Department Fund provides essential support to the department’s endeavors relating to research, instruction, and public outreach.
The Christy Desmet Memorial Fund
Named in honor of faculty member Dr. Christy Desmet, Josiah Meigs Distinguished Teaching Professor of English and Director of the FYC/UGA Writing Center, this fund will support graduate students working in British Literature prior to 1900.
R. Baxter Miller Award in African American and Multicultural Literature
Named in honor of faculty member Dr. R. Baxter Miller, this fund provides monetary awards for excellence in African American and Multicultural Literature by graduate and undergraduate students in the Department of English.
The Diann Blakely Visiting Poet Fund
Named in honor of Diann Blakely, this fund supports a visiting poet’s short-term residency in the Department of English.
Jill and Marvin Willis Center for Writing
Provides support for the Jill and Marvin Willis Center for Writing at UGA. Support shall include, but not be limited to, materials, workshops, equipment, supplies, awards, stipends, travel, graduate student support, guest speakers, signage and more.
Coburn Freer Family Award
Provides an award for a graduate student in the Department of English who demonstrates outstanding academic achievement, excellence in teaching, distinctive research, and/or exceptional scholarly activity